Solar Thermal Training System

Solar Thermal Training System is a small model of real time water heating system and can be used for the characterization and different heat transfer analysis. Different aspects like efficiency, overall heat loss coefficient and heat removal factor and their corresponding calculations can be demonstrated with the help of this system. Special feature of this system is to perform experiments with different wind speeds, different fluid temperatures and different flow speeds. This system can be divided in three parts viz. main collector system, measuring unit and artificial light unit.

Main Collector system consists of a Flat Plate collector with temperature, flow and pressure sensors to measure temperature, flow and pressure of fluid. Measuring unit consists of a measurement panel displaying different parameters and Artificial light unit/ heat generating unit is a Halogen lamp panel to uniformly illuminate the flat plate collector inside a Lab. Artificial Light facilitates a user to do his/her work without depending on climatic changes in the environment.

Modular and scalable design of the system allows user to move the system in and out of lab easily and conduct experiment with artificial lights as well as actual sunlight. Using the system, a user will be able to study and understand working and operation of a flat plate collector water heating system and its two modes of operation.

Technical Characteristics ≫

  • Artificial source of irradiation.
  • Control of irradiation level as per requirement
  • Artificial Source of Wind speed with provision to set wind speed as per requirement
  • Inbuilt facility analogous to rooftop and hot water tank compatible to perform experiment both outdoor and indoor environment.
  • Provision to perform experiment in both Thermosyphonic and forced mode of operation.
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and efficiency) in both Thermosyphonic and forced mode of operation.
  • 2 auxiliary tanks for non-stop experiimentation
  • Provision to change incident angle of irradiation.
  • Provision to change tilt angle.
  • An active measurement panel to measure inlet temperature, outlet temperature, plate temperature, flow of water and wind speed
  • Equipped with handheld solar insolation measuring instrument
  • Equipped with an angle measurement instrument

Technical Advantages ≫

  • Modular and Scalable design
  • 2 auxiliary tanks for non-stop experimentation
  • A chiller can also be incorporated (optional)
  • System is rigorously tested and can work continuously without switching off.
  • Require very less space for installation.
  • Reliable Quality: Basically, no after sales service is required.
  • System comes with an illustrated experiment manual detailing every wiring connection to be made.
  • Specifications can be customized as per requirement.
  • Detailed demonstration and training of system is done during commissioning of the system.

Experiments ≫

  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in thermosyphonic mode of flow with fixed input parameters
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in thermosyphonic mode of flow at different radiation level
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in thermosyphonic mode of flow at different inlet water temperature
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in thermosyphonic mode of flow with different wind speed
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in forced mode of flow with fixed input parameters
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) and drawing of different curves in forced mode of flow with different flow rate
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in forced mode of flow at different radiation level
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in forced mode of flow at different inlet water temperature
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in forced mode of flow at different wind speed
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in forced mode of flow at different incident angle
  • Evaluation of different parameters (UL, FR and η) in thermosyphonic mode of flow at different tilt angle

Research Options ≫

  • Integration and optimization of reflector sheet as a booster in a flat plate solar collector
  • Study of the impact of different coating materials on the efficiency and economy of flat plate solar collector
  • Performance analysis of a flat plate collector with different types and quality of glazing
  • Study of the effect of number of glazing and the space between them on the heat loss coefficient and overall performance of a flat plate solar collector
  • Use of flat plate solar collector as a pre-heater in a solar still
  • Performance analysis of a flat plate collector with sealed glass covers with or without a gas in the space between the glass cover and the absorber plate
  • Study of the effect of scaling on heat transfer coefficient and their solution for a flat plate solar collector

Specifications ≫

Components Sub- Components Specifications
Flat Plate Collector Collector Box
Length 915 (mm)
Breadth 810 (mm)
Glazing Surface
Type of glass Toughen
Absorber plate
Absorber material Copper
Hot Water Tank Tank Type  - Non Pressurized
Control unit Temperature meter with sensors
Pressure meter with sensor
Flow meter with sensor
Flow regulator
Artificial source of radiation Halogen Fixture with regulator
Power rating 3200 (W)
Artificial source of wind speed Wind speed range 0 to 5 (m/sec)
Accessories Radiation meter
Range 0 to 1999 (W/m2)
Wind speed Range 0.4 to 45.0 (m/Sec)
Temperature range -14 to 60 (0C)
External tank
Number 2
Hot water pump


Solar Thermal Training System

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The Solar Thermal Training system gives the provision for performing experiments in both Thermosyphonic and Force mode operation.

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